Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Book Review: India, A Short Cultural History by HG Rawlinson

India- a short cultural history by H.G. Rawlinson
Indians do not know their history. European historians who eventually put Indian history on paper did not get over their biased thought process to bring neutrality in their theories, thoughts and information presented.

HG Rawlinson's book is mostly a compilation of Indian history from other books written in the past. The good thing is that it is presented in a brief, concise manner with mostly a good intent of highlighting the unique cultural history of this nation.

The book presents a historical account that tends to expose a couple of interesting facts about the country's past and present.
- Indian's don't know what their history was as their history books in schools are useless.
- Indian scholars of history largely ape their colonial European masters when it comes to re-rendering India's history. There is no critical thinking associated with questioning the works of Max Muller or other great European historians and their works.
- India did not and still does not have the resources required to restore the historical accuracy of its past. Nobody knows how to build a consistent chronological account of Indian history as they do not know enough about its past. The author brings this out by highlighting the dark ages of Indian history in different intervals in the past where no one knew what happened in this nation.
- India as a nation never existed in the past. It was a vast compilation of culturally rich, socially divergent and racially diverse groups of nations. Different rulers including the Mughals and the British tried to tie it into a single unified nation with only some success.
- The British and other Europeans passively resided in India centuries before they started taking over the political administration of the country during the fall of the Mughal empire.
- And yes, some of the best accounts of Indian history were documented by the Chinese. We shared a lot more in culture and cooperation in the past than in the present.

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